Wyoming will air the alert every hour for 24 hours. After 24 hours we will air the alert twice a day. We do not have a time limit on the number of days we will air. We will make that decision based on the alert details.
Wyoming-I do not get any special pay or on-call pay. If we have an AMBER Alert and I am off duty, I will be paid overtime for the hours I spend at the center working on the alert.
I do not get any special pay or on-call pay. If we have an AMBER Alert and I am off duty, I will be paid overtime for the hours I spend at the center working on the alert.
Wyoming has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Wyoming Association of Broadcasters(which I would be willing to share) Since the Wyoming State Patrol is a part of the Department of Transportation we have worked together to have policy and procedures for AMBER Alerts