Calls received on our 24/7 Missing Persons Clearinghouse hotline have increased significantly over the past few years. Currently we have staff on-call on a rotating basis to answer the hotline. This means they are working after regular business hours to activate alerts, receive and disseminate leads, complete case intakes, publicize non-alert case and other tasks. Due to the increase in calls received we need to identify a better operational process for the hotline. I am looking for information on how other state missing person clearinghouses operate their 24/7 hotline. Specifically:
• Is the hotline answered at night and weekends by staff on-call or is there a regular work shift dedicated to the hotline?
• How many calls are received per year?
• Do you have a breakdown of times calls are received?
• How many staff answer the hotline?
• How much work is involved with each call?
Thanks for any info you can provide!