Respuestas de foro creadas
Ben PattersonParticipante
In Texas, our Texas Department of Public Safety’s Fusion Center handles all operational aspects, 24-hours a day. The program used to rest with the agencies Division of Emergency Management, but was moved to the Fusion Center. It could have also gone to the agency’s Communications Division, either is 24/7.
We have pretty structured checklists for each of our alerts that lead analysts through the various steps for processing.
Feel free to call me if you want to discuss further at (512)217-0756.
Ben PattersonParticipanteI can provide information, but I’m not sure what exactly you are wanting, i.e. procedural checklist templates, missing person flyer templates, request form template, etc.
Feel free to reach out directly to me at [email protected]
Here is our website information that contains basic information and request form:
Ben PattersonParticipanteThe state of Texas conducts a mini internal AAR within 24 hours of the discontinuance of the individual alert (we have 6 alerts in Texas). The shifts that participated (we have three) in the alert prepare input. The input is then combined into one combined AAR. Management then reviews the AAR with supervisors and discusses any changes/enhancements that need to be made to field training, internal operations or discussion with the original requesting LE agency. Below is the information collected from staff:
Dates and Times
Request received (date and time):
Alert activated (date and time):
Alert discontinued (date and time):What were some problematic issues or potential needs for improvement?
What are some possible measures that can be taken to counteract the problematic issues?
What were some lessons learned that might be worth sharing?Ben PattersonParticipanteThank you Leila
Ben PattersonParticipanteThank you Emily
Ben PattersonParticipanteThank you Corey
Ben PattersonParticipanteTexas built it’s own system last year on our own software platform after our former software (Documentum) was no longer going to be supported by the new owner (Dell). Below is a link for the notice our system produces.