Formas de entrenar con nosotros
Fórmate con nosotros en el aula, a través de eLearning a tu propio ritmo, virtualmente durante cursos en directo en línea dirigidos por un instructor, o con nuestros seminarios web que se ofrecen en directo y luego se ofrecen a la carta mediante grabación.
Todas nuestras formaciones son gratuitas.
Inscríbete en las próximas formaciones programadas abiertas a la inscripción, o solicita que uno de nuestros cursos de formación presencial se imparta en tu jurisdicción/área.
Classroom Training
Our classroom/onsite trainings are offered across the nation throughout the year with no-fee registration. You can join us for scheduled classroom training events open for registration or request one of our courses be scheduled for onsite delivery in your area/jurisdiction.
Learn Online: Self-Paced eLearning
Our eLearning courses are available 24/7, and allow you to work at your own pace (no scheduled login times), and provide a certificate of completion once all required activities are completed. Instructional video, interactive presentations and scenarios, and downloadable resources are all a part of our self-paced online courses.
Where you'll find upcoming live trainings
When we have live-virtual trainings (instructor-led or webinars) on the current schedule, you'll find those in the lineup on the Register for Upcoming Training Events page.
Live, Online Instructor-Led Training (LOIL)
Looking for an online learning experience that allows you to interact real-time with our subject-matter-expert instructors as well as other participants? Then Live, Online Instructor-Led (LOIL) training is for you! LOIL courses provide a certificate of completion if attendance and activity requirements are met.
Webinars on Demand
We offer live webinars which are recorded and later offered for on-demand viewing. Looking for upcoming live webinars to attend? Visit the Register for Upcoming Training page.
Lo que nos dicen los participantes: Comentarios sobre la formación
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