eLearning: Tu horario. A tu ritmo.

Nuestros cursos de aprendizaje electrónico a tu ritmo te ofrecen la oportunidad de formarte en línea, a tu propio ritmo y sin coste alguno.
Sigue los enlaces siguientes para solicitar acceso.
Crearás una cuenta, te inscribirás en el curso o cursos que elijas y, una vez aprobados, podrás acceder a la plataforma de aprendizaje electrónico del NCJTC en cualquier momento, 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, para trabajar a tu propio ritmo.
Tu progreso se guardará, para que puedas retomarlo donde lo dejaste en tu última sesión.
No hay horarios de inicio de sesión obligatorios.
Una vez completado todo el trabajo del curso, puedes guardar e imprimir un certificado oficial para tus registros de formación.
¿Tienes preguntas sobre nuestros cursos de eLearning?
Envíanos un correo electrónico a [email protected], e incluye "Consulta sobre eLearning" en el asunto.

Formación para primeros intervinientes

Patrol First Response for Missing and Abducted Children (PATMAC)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Provide tools and training to patrol and first responding officers who promote swift and decisive responses in the early stages of missing and abducted children cases.

Telecommunications Best Practices for Missing and Abducted Children (TELMAC)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Learn telecommunications best practices for supporting swift and decisive responses in the critical, early stages of incidents involving missing and abducted children.

Equipo de Respuesta a la Sustracción de Menores (CART)

Child Abduction Response Team Commander Online Training (CART-COMM)

eLearning | Self-Paced

This course covers important considerations regarding: Protocol development and management; development and use of Memoranda of Understanding; CART composition; training, including the development and use of tabletop exercises and field scenarios; CART certification standards; and a case study which integrates all topics covered in consideration of effective CART leadership.

Child Abduction Response Team Training for New Members (CART-NM)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Understand the roles, functions and critical capacities provided by CARTs in missing and abducted child cases. Examine key components and action items for operational readiness of the CART in order to provide rapid, effective and comprehensive response. Gain perspective on the impact of CART programs and how to prepare new members for his/her role and responsibilities on the team.

Formación en Investigación

Responding to High-Risk and Endangered Missing Child Cases - An Introduction to Law Enforcement Response

eLearning | Self-Paced

This course covers important considerations regarding dynamics of victims, perpetrators, and the process of interviewing. The course provides an introduction to the scope, scale and nature of problem of high-risk and endangered missing children, and outlines how patrol and investigative officers can effectively respond to these cases.

Investigative Checklist Training for Patrol First Responders (Online)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Gain an overview of the Patrol First Response investigative checklist resource. The training provides a guided case-scenario review of important checklist elements and considerations for effective use. Patrol officers can use this information to support accurate and effective response to reports of endangered missing or abducted children, and assist with steps essential to communicate information to arriving investigators.

Investigative Checklist Training for Investigative Officers (Online)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Gain an overview of the Checklist Resource for Investigative Officers. The training provides a guided case-scenario review of important checklist elements and considerations for effective use. Investigative officers can use this information to support accurate and effective response to reports of endangered missing or abducted children, and assist with steps essential to effectively transitioning from patrol to investigations personnel as the case progresses.

Investigative Checklist Training for Supervisory Officers (Online)

eLearning | Self-Paced

Gain an overview of the Checklist Resource for Supervisory Officers. The training provides a guided case-scenario review of important checklist elements and considerations for effective use. Supervisory officers can use this information to support accurate and effective response to reports of endangered missing or abducted children, and assist with steps essential to effectively manage the overall case.

Missing Child Investigations in Indian Country (MCI-IC)

eLearning | Self-Paced

The Missing Child Investigations in Indian Country (MCI-IC) eLearning course series provides Tribal law enforcement, law enforcement support, and related child protection and public safety officers with information and resources to support swift, accurate, and comprehensive investigative response to endangered, missing and abducted child incidents. Each course in the series is designed to require about one hour to complete, and offers a flexible, online format in which you can work on the course in a self-directed manner. A PDF certificate is provided upon successful completion of each course. Complete information for each course in the series is available on our AMBER Alert in Indian Country website: www.amber-ic.org.

Formación Fiscal y Judicial

Effectively Communicating with Families of Missing or Abducted Children

National Judicial College for Judges and Prosecutors | eLearning

A 1-hour self-study course created by the AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program, in collaboration with the National Judicial College, and is designed to guide judges in improving the outcomes and experiences for victims and family members who must navigate the justice system as a result of the crimes to which they've been exposed.