AMBER Advocate Topics Long-Term Missing Cases Long-Term Missing Cold Case Programs Reply To: Long-Term Missing Cold Case Programs

Bonnie FerenbachBonnie Ferenbach

Posted on behalf of Kay Vazquez, Puerto Rico Clearinghouse for Missing Children:

Our clearinghouse doesn’t have a “program“ for long term missing persons. We currently have 12 long term cases, the oldest being from 1974 and the latest from 2015. When the investigations stalls or goes cold, the case sometimes gets inactive. But is doesn’t mean we don’t corroborate new tips provided by the public and/or review the case and see if we “missed” or did not complete a task. One of the last steps we do is collect DNA from family members and create a yellow notice to send out to other INTERPOL member countries. The last, has surprisingly provided leads that we can check on.